Your website is the key to access the globe

In a world where everything is on the Web, effective communication is a must in order to address and capture the largest possible number of users. Only the right message suited to the target audience will enable you to penetrate the minds of your potential customers.

Our dedicated team of professionals trained in website content can convey the virtues of your product or service with the utmost ease.

The Internet may pose marketing challenges, but Verizia has the solutions that you need for linguistic communication.

These days, having an online presence has become a gateway that is undeniably on display, and each website showcases the features of a business in a virtual marketplace where competitors and versatility abound. As with any e-commerce store, it has to look good. However, the content and offer will determine whether potential clients buy a product or service, or whether they leave through the front door, or rather, by clicking the small x in the upper right-hand corner of the browser page.

It is precisely the words that are chosen that will define if you are in line with the needs of the customer or not.

It is not just about expressing an idea, but also about using the expressions spoken specifically by the target audience. In other words, this means accuracy, research, and know-how. Only a team of professionals with extensive experience and proficiency in the target language and associated culture will provide the words, expressions, and narrative pinpointed at a given community, age, academic level, and geographical location.

Therefore, localization processes not only transfer the content into another language; they also entail linguistic and cultural adaptation. The vision in the original message is conveyed so that there is no barrier in the communication between the company offering a product or service and its potential customer.

How we localize?

Interview with the client Interview with the client - Verizia

In order to get know the details about the target audience: age, academic level, geographical location, and any other relevant characteristics.

Research - Verizia

Our team of translation and localization professionals conducts a thorough investigation on the target audience, along with the specialty field of the website to localize.

Translation and localization Translation and localization - Verizia

The team begins to work on the translation and localization (simultaneously) following the client’s guidelines and referencing the research.

Proofreading of the localization Proofreading of the localization  - Verizia

A second opinion is required, since language is recursive. Intent may be stated in different ways, but there’s always room for adjustments to convey the message as accurately as possible.

Handoff to
the client
Handoff to the cliente - Verizia

The client receives a submission, which may be validated or adjusted. In the event of an adjustment, the project returns to the localization stage, after which the work will be reviewed again and then delivered to the client.

Hitting the mark: localization and marketing

The localization process is crucial for the marketing strategies of products and services. The goal is to address a specific audience using words and expressions to make the message sound familiar and meet their expectations. Part of the success of a product on the market relies not only on a catchy slogan and a marketing campaign that yields results, but also on the message and how it is stated.

In today’s world, where most sales are made online, it is imperative that websites are localized so that words extend to the full range of the relevant community unencumbered. Localization enables the product or service offered to compete head-to-head with those of local companies.

Verizia boasts a team of localization professionals with a wealth of experience in translating and localizing advertising and marketing campaigns. These projects require a high percentage of creativity as well as linguistic and cultural knowledge of the target audience. Our team is ready to dive into the world encompassed by your product or service in order to adapt it during the localization of your website, marketing campaign, brochures, slogans, and any marketing and advertising materials required by your organization.

Verizia figures

Boletines técnicos
+ 10 millions

words translated per year

Plataformas de e-learning
+ 800

professional translators

Manuales de usuario de sistemas operativos
+ 35


Manuales de uso
+ 10

years in the market

Intranets y sitios web
+ 13 millions

layout pages per year


What do we offer?

  • Handling of large workloads
  • Experience in highly-technical content
  • Flexible turnaround times
  • Project management tailored to every customer

Why choose Verizia?

  • Comprehensive service
  • Unique customer service and immediate response time
  • Fully-guaranteed quality assurance process
  • Specialized workforce
  • Flexibility to adapt to the needs of the client
  • International, limitless service across borders